Category: SEO

Custom Website Design and Development
  • How to Conduct an Online Presence Audit

    How to Conduct a Total Online Presence Audit in 2024

    Wondering why your website doesn’t generate traffic like it used to, or why your Google search ranking for your keywords has dropped? Is your social media performing like you had planned? You may be thinking that you spent time and money to build an impressive website a few years ago, so everything should be great….

  • Shaw Web Designs Mobile Friendly Search Label

    Google Search: Responsive Sites Not Just an Option

    Google has made it official and you can no longer put off that move towards a mobile-friendly website.  Starting April 21st, Google mobile search will start ranking mobile-friendly websites higher and therefore punishing those that are not. Google has been working on improving the mobile search and over all experience of mobile users. As of now,…

  • Sutton Construction Inc. Newest Responsive WordPress Theme

    Shaw Web Designs latest responsive WordPress Theme website for Sutton Construction Inc. located in Vacaville, CA has been launched. This was a great project to work on and we enjoyed working with Lisa Sutton, co-owner of Sutton Construction Inc. Shaw Web Designs worked closely with her, to create a custom website that represented the work…

  • Semalt Crawler Skewing Google Analytics

    In the past month, we have been noticing a high volume of referrals coming from domain with hundreds of sub-domains on several of clients’ Google Analytics. After some research we are finding that this is really skewing our stats. High referrals with 100% bounce rates. .htaccess Solution For our WordPress Maintenance Plan customers, we…

  • What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

    There are a lot of technical terminology I can use to define search engine optimization (SEO), but I would like to define it for the average web user. In basic terms, SEO are the steps taken to improve the volume or quality of the visitors to a web site from search engines “organic” search results….